Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prague - Czech Republic

Prague was stunning. That's it, the end.

I felt like I had stepped back in time. The cobblestone streets, the castles, the astronomical clock, it was all so beautiful! Yes, we stayed in the old town of Prague and why wouldn't you? It is what I imagined Europe to be like!

On our first night in Prague we went to dinner at this casual outdoor. The food was super yummy and so cheap! We pretty much ordered an entree, main and a drink each and probably paid around $12-$15 aussie dollars. Crazy. 

We then went to for night time stroll over the old bridge and to Prague Castle, the largest castle in the world. The castle wasn't open but it was still such a pretty sight to see.

The next day we walked to the castle again via the many markets and shops in the old town. After we crossed the bridge, we decided to catch the tram up to the castle even though we had walked the hill the night before. Big mistake. We ended up heading the opposite way, so we got off and hopped on another tram. Then we missed the castle stop and ended up who knows where. An hour or two later, and with the help of google maps, we made it to the castle. What a tiring adventure.

We climbed up a never-ending narrow spiral staircase to the top of the cathedral in the castle grounds and the views were great!


After that we had a well deserved lunch in the main square of Prague town. That night we went out for jumbo bucket cocktails and to a pub where you serve your own beer and compete with other tables. I won't tell you about that place in detail because Josh wants to open a place just like it.....

Entertainment in the main square

Prague is a magical place, but there isn't that much to do. I think two or three nights is plenty but it is a MUST SEE.

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