Thursday, August 15, 2013

Berlin - Germany

I do realise that we flew to Berlin after Amsterdam and then caught a train to Prague. Bit of a mix up but still the same story.

Everyone I know raves about Berlin, and I mean everyone. I wish I could sit here and rave about it. I wish I got that feeling that everyone else got. Don't get me wrong, Berlin was really cool, but I just didn't get that crazy love for it. I think it's probably because I really only had one day to explore the city and I really would love to give Berlin a second chance again next time. I also really want to go to the Berlin zoo.

Anyways, as I said our time in Berlin was pretty tight. We arrived late afternoon on our first day so by the time we dragged our luggage up and down staircases to our hostel (Plus Hostel Berlin - really nice, pretty much like a cheap hotel because we booked private rooms) we were ready for dinner. Someone recommended a delicious burger place and that it was.

The next day we did the Berlin walking tour that everyone also raves about. The amount of history in the one city is just crazy. Some of the things we saw included the Brandenburg Gate, Jewish memorial and check-point Charlie. The tour was good but I think I enjoyed the one in Amsterdam more. We finished the tour at a beautiful cathedral, I was in awe.  

Brandenburg Gate - Napoleon took the statue and took it to France, but it was later returned 
Jewish memorial

Berlin Cathedral

East side traffic light man
We then went to the East Side gallery, the remains of the Berlin wall that is covered by some pretty amazing artwork.


That night we had the biggest pub crawl of our lives. Triple shot vodka mixers for 5 euro. We ended up at the Matrix bar just across the road from our hostel...pretty convenient I must say...


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